Welcome to the Fast Track to Health Trial.

Welcome to the Fast Track to Health Trial (known as Fast Track). This is a research study for young people who are well above a healthy weight.

We are looking for young people to take part in this study in both Sydney and Melbourne.

What is the fast track trial about?

  • We will compare the effect of two different dietary patterns on health and wellbeing in young people.
  • People who take part in Fast Track will follow one of the two dietary patterns below:
    • Modified Alternate Day Fasting
    • Reduced Calorie
  • We will measure weight loss and risk factors for heart disease and diabetes.
  • We will see how acceptable these dietary patterns are to young people.
  • The study runs for 12 months and participation is FREE of charge.

Who can participate in the study?

Young people aged 13-17 years who are a well above a healthy weight can take part in Fast Track.


For more information about the trial, contact us on XXX or contact us below.

Credit World Obesity image bank

Credit World Obesity image bank

Who is running the study?

  • In Sydney, Fast Track will be run at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead.
  • In Melbourne, Fast Track will be run at the Be Active Sleep Eat (BASE) facility at Monash University and Monash Children’s Hospital
  • To see who is part of the Fast Track Team click here